Quebec Cardinal Marc Ouellet is the vice-chair (as Archbishop of Ottawa, I serve as chair) and the following are Directors: Winnipeg Archeparch Lawrence Huculak, O.S.B., Archbishops Thomas Collins (Toronto), Martin Currie (St. John's) and Michael Miller, C.S.B. (Vancouver).
Msgr. Robert Stern from the international head office in New York, joined Canadian Director Carl Hetu for the session.
Mr. Hetu had spoken to the assembled bishops about the possibility of establishing a program to welcome Christian Iraqi refugees for sponsorship to come to Canada. Other concerns that have come to be featured in CNEWA Canada's outreach include flooding in Ukraine and drought relief in Eritrea.
Amidst the upheavals and challenges of the modern world, CNEWA (Catholic Near East Welfare Association) has been a lifeline for those in need throughout the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe for more than 75 years.
Founded in the United States in 1926 by Pope Pius XI, CNEWA’s mandate is: to support the pastoral mission and institutions of the Eastern Catholic churches; to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need without regard to nationality or creed; to promote Christian unity and interreligious understanding and collaboration; and to educate people in the West about the history, cultures, peoples and churches of the East.
CNEWA does not have inflexible priorities – they are set based upon time, place and urgency of need. We do not compete; if other agencies are doing a good work, we leave it to them. CNEWA addresses those needs that would otherwise “fall through the cracks,” enabling the power of love to reach men, women and children in need.
From training priests to serve the people of God in India to providing clean water systems to war-damaged villages in Lebanon – from providing job opportunities to unemployed Palestinians to caring for orphaned children in Ethiopia – from providing health care to the poor in Iraq to awarding scholarships for Orthodox priests to study in Catholic universities in Rome, CNEWA connects generous North Americans with those in need living in some of the remotest parts of the world.
The agency publishes a bimonthly magazine, ONE. Its name identifies the real spirit of CNEWA and its work – it is about one God, one world, one family and one church. Operationally, CNEWA’s charism is always to act as if we are all one, unless we are forced to encounter a difference.
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He pledged to continue with gestures and to establish newer initiatives, suggesting the possibilty of a joint meeting of the Anglican House of Bishops with the CCCB. Let us continue to pray that we foster every necessary gesture to fulfill Our Lord's prayer at the Last Supper, "that all may be one" (John 17:21).
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His Eminence spoke of the experience of the synod in general terms, reported on what we can expect from the follow-up Apostolic Exhortation and some pastoral implications that this document will lead to. The Church will be called to listen more attentively to God's Word, experience a new paradigm of understanding God's Word as a living principle rather than only an intellectual one and that it will call for the disciplines of theology and exegesis to work more closely together in service to the Church.
While the Bible is a library of scriptural writings, it is also a single book and we need to understand it this way, in union with tradition (especially the interpretations of the Fathers). The Church participates in the mission of the Word (of God) and that this is a responsibility of all the baptized.
The pastoral applications include a veritable renewal of the faith, a transformation of the formation of Christians (catechesis, seminary training and that of lay leaders), with new dynamism for the church interiorly (ad intra) and exteriorly (ad extra). The reality of God's Word leads to active charity (social justice), a commitment to ecumenism and protection of the environment.
Any news being talked about on the ecumenical front with a whole chunk of Anglicans crossing the Tiber? It certainly is roundly edfying and better news than we have been hearing in the church and in the secular press about some episcopal moves.
ReplyDeleteThanks to you Abp Terry for standing up for the "buisness as usual" standard we have all come to love and trust:Not
A good site with excellent articles. thank you for providing such a great resource.