O God, who have given us in Saint Frances of Rome a singular model of both married and monastic life, grant us perseverance in your service, that in every circumstance of life we may see and follow you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Sainte Françoise Romaine, pénitente romaine (1384-1440).
A treize ans, parce qu'elle était de bonne noblesse romaine, elle doit épouser Lorenzo de Ponziani. Ils forment un ménage parfait, amoureux et paisible. Pour le public, elle est une merveilleuse maîtresse de maison et une grande dame dans ses réceptions. Mais elle réserve à Dieu ses conversations les plus longues, dans le petit oratoire au fond de son jardin. Elle accepte avec une joie paisible les charges d'épouse et de mère de famille.
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Dans l'Archidiocèse d’Ottawa, une messe sera offerte avec l'intention pour l’élection d’un pape, dimanche 10 mars 2013 à 17h15 à la basilique-cathédrale Notre Dame.
As the Bishops of Ontario will be meeting in Toronto Monday through Wednesday next week, I will preside at a Mass whose intention will be for the Holy Spirit’s guidance of the Cardinal-electors in their choice of a new pope in Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica on Sunday, March 10 at 7:30PM.
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During my time in Vancouver last week, I had the pleasure of meeting a priest who is incardinated in the Archdiocese of Ottawa and who, after completing his service in Canada's Military Ordinariate is now serving as a parish administrator in the Diocese of Victoria. Msgr. John Domotor came on the morning ferry from Vancouver Island to share conversation and a meal with me.
Though we are separated by thousands of kilometers, the bond between priest and bishop is a profound one in Christ Jesus our Lord, strengthened through prayer and the bonds of communications. I look forward to welcoming Fr. John to Ottawa on a future occasion when our weather is milder than at present.
0igamXgarne Randy Alvarez https://wakelet.com/wake/lmRB77vWDCSl2g-NviPtl