A Prayer to the Holy Spirit
for the Second Vatican Council
Pope John XXIII composed a prayer shortly after announcing his intention in 1959 to call an ecumenical council. It was widely distributed and prayed in the days leading up to the opening of the Council, 50 years ago this week (October 11, 1962). I remember regular recitation of the prayer in my parish and in the Jesuit novitiate after my entry in 1961--I recall being struck each time we prayed it, by the petition in the last part for a new Pentecost in our time.
The following is an English translation.

O Divine Spirit, sent by the Father in the name of Jesus, Who dost infallibly assist and guide the Church, pour forth the fullness of thy gifts upon the Ecumenical Council.
Kind teacher and Comforter, enlighten the minds of our bishops, who, responding to the invitation of the Sovereign Roman Pontiff, will gather in solemn assembly.
Grant that from this Council there may come forth abundant fruits: that the light and strength of the Gospel may ever more widely influence human society: that new vigour may infuse the Catholic religion and its missionary task; that the Church’s teaching may be better known and Christian morality more widely practiced.
Sweet Guest of our souls, confirm our minds in truth, and dispose our hearts to obedience, so that the decisions of the council may find in us generous acceptance and prompt fulfillment.
We beseech Thee, too, on behalf of those sheep, who no longer belong to the one fold of Jesus Christ, that they also, glorying as they do in the name of Christian, may finally regain unity under one Shepherd.
Renew in our time Thy wondrous works, as in a new Pentecost, and grant that Holy Church, gathered together in unanimous, more intense prayer, around Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and guided by Peter, may spread the kingdom of the Divine Saviour, which is the kingdom of truth, of justice, of love, and of peace. Amen.
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On Sunday, September 30 the weather was inclement, so the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed at Hope Cemetery/Cimetiere d'Espoir was held inside (the chapel and the mausoleum buildings), so the conditions were somewhat crowded as may be noted in the photos. Thanks to Robert DuBroy, who took them.
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