A traditional part of the entrance procession for the Archdiocesan Feast Day is the carrying of Parish Banners, some of which are visible here.
Finally, just before the final blessing six representative young adults carried in the Ark, while the organ and brass instruments echoed through the expectant congregation assembled in the cathedral basilica.
The Ark will be on display in Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica at the Sunday Eucharist this weekend. The schedule for the transfer and display of the Ark will be elaborated in the coming weeks as the Archdiocese moves toward next May's Montee Jeunesse/Youth Summit 2010.
Heavy Travel Schedule, Uneven Blogging in Coming Days
The coming days feature many comings and goings and uncertainty about access to the internet, so the blogging may be lighter than usual in the next week. Here are some of my activities in coming days:
Saturday, June 27
4PM Exemplification Mass for Knignts of Columbus members and candidates for the Fourth Degree at Ottawa's Algonquin College.
Sunday, June 28
8:30AM Breakfast with Soeurs de Sainte Marie de Namur at their recently sold Retreat Centre at Vankleek Hill. Because the community is aging and there are no longer sufficient sisters to manage and operate this long-standing work (and no other religious community was found to assume responsibility) it was put on the real estate marked and sold relatively quickly. As I will be away in August when they will move, with my Episcopal Vicar and MC Abbe Daniel Berniquez I will join them for a good-bye visit.
11AM Mass at St. Alphonse de Ligouri Church, Hawkesbury, inaugurating the Paroisse St.Pierre Apotre's use of a single church for worship.
2-5 PM Travel to Sherbrooke to join the Concile des Jeunes (Youth Assembly) directed by Famille Marie Jeunesse.
Monday, June 29
9-11 AM Preside at closing ceremonies and Mass for Concile des Jeunes
6-8 Celebration of the 4th Anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI's Election and 40th anniversary of the Vatican's representation in Canada as an Apostolic Nunciature.
Wednesday, Julu 1 Canada Day
9AM Mass for Canada in Notre Dame Cathedral
Thursday, July 2-5 Congress on the Family sponsored by the Communaute d'Emmanuel (Quebec City)
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