It was pleasant to walk in 25 degree weather along shady paths in a largely residential area developed in the post WWII years.
On arriving at the parish hall we descended to the cool and brightly-appointed parish hall for a delicious catered supper in a large rectangular dining-setup that allow everyone to see the other diners.
Following the meal, we had an exchange over the past year's experience of their new reality: three parishes comprising a new pastoral unit. They had much to inform me about in regard to their successes (coordination of sacramental preparations,a new integrated Mass schedule, a parish retreat, a Good Friday Way of the Cross, etc).

They also asked if I had decided on one of the possible patrons they had proposed to me about a month and a half ago. I had and was pleased to declare I had accepted their favoured name, Pope Paul VI.
As Giovanni Battista Montini had been a hero of mine from the date of his election and his ministry of reaching out on missionary journeys (in the spirit of St. Paul) and his sound teaching, I was pleased to accede to their demand.
His teaching, among other topics, on the Church (Ecclesiam suam), the perils of contraception (Humanae Vitae) and evangelization (Evangelium Nuntiandi) as well as his governing the implementation of the Second Vatican Council all are part of his memorable legacy.
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