Last Sunday, I presided at the installation of
Father Jorge Lopez Parra at
Paroisse Sainte-Famille/Communidad Sagrada Familia.
Here are some pictures from the 10am Mass celebrated in French:
Some long-time parishioners
Father Jorge greets some of his new flock
At the reception following MassMore pictures, from the noon Hispanic Mass:
Waiting at the presentation of the gifts
Father Jorge and Deacon Eduardo at the Great Doxology
Some parishioners enjoy refreshments and conversation* * * * * *Scenes from Evening Reflection on Charity at the McGill Faculty Club, January 18
In more than seventy countries around the world where the
Communion and Liberation fraternity exists, members gather weekly or biweekly for a
"School of Community" at which they share their lives through reflection and discussion of a work of CL's founder, the late
Don Luigi Giussani.
One of his works which implies taking the Christian claim seriously, as a reality that corresponds to the deepest aspects of human knowing and the fullness of human desiring, is the work
Is It Possible To Live This Way? Published by McGill-Queens Press, the third volume of the Faith-Hope-Charity trilogy has just appeared. Its theme of Christian self-donation in imitation of Christ Jesus was the theme of Monday's gathering.
There's energy in the room at the McGill Faculty Club
Left to right: Father Julian Carron, President of the Fraternity Communion and Liberation; John Zucchi, CL responsible of Canada and McGill professor of history; Peter Stockland, journalist, director of Ottawa's Centre for Cultural Renewal
Ready to listen to the call of charity
Preparing to welcome Father Carron to a weekly "School of Community" at the McGill Newman Centre* * * * * *
Today's liturgy allows an optional memorial, that of
St. Vincent, deacon and martyr, patron of vintners.
Vincent of Saragossa, also known as Vincent of Huesca or Vincent the Deacon, is the patron saint of Lisbon.
His feast day is January 22 in the Roman Catholic Church, and November 11 in the Eastern Orthodox Churches. He was born at Huesca in the third century and martyred under the Emperor Diocletian around the year 304.
My dad, named John Vincent, was born on this day in 1906.
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