Today, the area around the Cathedral, Byward Market and Parliament Hill has restrictions on traffic movement and parking to facilitate celebrations of Canada's 143rd birthday, to which Queen Elizabeth's presence will give greater solemnity.
Because of the crowds and security issues, the holiday's one Mass at the Cathedral will be bilingual and celebrated at 9 o'clock in the morning.
Eternal God, your reign extends from sea to sea; you guide all things in wisdom and love. Accept the prayers we offer for our nation: grant wisdom to our leaders and integrity to our citizens. Secure for us always harmony and justice that we may live in unity and in peace. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Nigerian Community Comes Together in Worship

They presented to me a new green chasuble with a colourful African-style decoration. Afterwards, there was a pot-luck supper with Nigerian cuisine and drinks.
It was a joy to join the community which meets on the last Sunday of the month at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel church where the pastor, Fr. Stephen Liang has given them a warm welcome. Father Paul Nwaeze of Divine Infant Parish, Orleans coordinates the monthly liturgy.

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Pope Benedict's July 2010 Prayer Intentions
The Holy Father recommends the following intentions for July:
General: That in every nation of the world the election of officials may be carried out with justice, transparency and honesty, respecting the free decisions of citizens.
Mission: That Christians may strive to offer everywhere, but especially in great urban centers, an effective contribution to the promotion of education, justice, solidarity and peace.
ReplyDelete---Dear Catholic--
in the name of national mourning blessed Lord Jesus kristi the family receives this help from you .
I'm Mehmet Elshani and i'm 47 yers old.I'm Married and I have 5 children.
My nationality is ROM in Kosovo .
I live in Kosovo in the young Country.In Kosovo more of population are myslim.
I and my family prefered the Catholic religion but we
dont pracitce this religion in Kosovo.
We would be offended.If have posible i can go to Canada.
I have friends and they don't understand me why i prefered this religion.
My family and my children want to be large from they friends and family.
we want to bee a free Catholic.
My family wans to bee a rilly catholic and the like
to change the name from myslim profet to Catholic religion.
I hope so you are aware.
I expect your Anwer.
I hope that you vill be even a little bit of cautious in this paper reading.
As all know if you are sworn to your religion and I want to be anyone of you.
Please by God that we extend the hand of yours white.
Your grace and bring us together our hearts.
My children i and my vife look forward to be Catholic on track as it is Catholic.
You are the ones who will enjoy this family.
i hope you are aware and I wait you Answer.
fROM Mehmet Elshani and mY Family.
Kosovo ,Prizren