Today finds me in the Big Apple to take part in this special Bible festival, giving the homily at the Opening Mass this morning and offering a workshop on Lectio divina twice in the afternoon.
"Bilingual" here means English and Spanish, so, with the help of two priest-associates who translated my text and went over the pronounciation with me, I will take a run at three short paragraphs in the homily in Spanish.
Here is how the program puts it in the language of Cervantes:
La Cumbre Biblíca Católica De Nueva York - “Encuentre a Jesús - La Palabra Viva”
Saturday, June 25, 2011 / Sábado, 25 de Junio, 2011
New York Catholic Center (Cathedral High School entrance): 350 East 56th Street, New York City
Meet today’s leading Scripture scholars:
•Unfold the topics raised in the historic Synod on the Bible at the Vatican.
•Share ideas and insights on bringing Sacred Scripture into the lives of all Catholics.
Conozcan famosos escritores y maestros bíblicos de nuestro tiempo:
•Descubra los temas que sobresalieron en el histórico Sínodo en la Biblia en el Vaticano.
• Comparta ideas y conocimientos para llevar las Sagradas Escrituras a todos los Católicos.
Meet today’s leading Scripture scholars:
•Unfold the topics raised in the historic Synod on the Bible at the Vatican.
•Share ideas and insights on bringing Sacred Scripture into the lives of all Catholics.
Conozcan famosos escritores y maestros bíblicos de nuestro tiempo:
•Descubra los temas que sobresalieron en el histórico Sínodo en la Biblia en el Vaticano.
• Comparta ideas y conocimientos para llevar las Sagradas Escrituras a todos los Católicos.
* * * * * *
Blogging will resume on my return: there are lots of events recently that have gone without reports, photos. I hope to make up for that next week.
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