O God, who by the abundance of your grace give increase to the peoples who believe in you, look with favour on those you have chosen and clothe with blessed immortality those reborn through the Sacrament of Baptism. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
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While visiting St. Augustine's Seminary, I received a copy of Cardinal Collins's new book, published by Novalis (www.novalis.ca) at the price of $11.95. All royalty proceeds of the sale of this book will benefit the Seminary, which this year is celebrating its centennial.
Cardinal Collins offers a series of reflections that inspire and challenge us to embrace the three central practices of christian discipleship.
Originally written as pastoral letters to the people of the Archdiocese of Edmonton, these reflections from Cardinal Collins offer all Canadian Catholics clear explanations of three core practices of Catholic life: Reconciliation, Eucharist and Stewardship. These practices help us live as disciples of Jesus and enable us to share the gifts he has given us.
Regular celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation changes the way we relate to those around us. The Eucharist nourishes and sustains us as disciples of Jesus. Through these Sacraments, we experience what Collins refers to as “a profound inner conversion that leads us to live in a spirit of generosity, which is most fully revealed in the sharing of time and talent” and are compelled to be good stewards of God’s gifts to us.
Perfect for the Year of Faith and beyond, this collection offers accessible reflections with tangible exercises to help readers live their faith every day. Questions at the end of each chapter make this an excellent resource for both personal reflection and parish discussion groups.
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I was pleased to learn this week that St. Paul's/India, based in Mumbai, is contracting with my publisher Novalis to publish my three-volume series Living God's Word for sale and distribution in India and Africa.
The individual volumes normally sell here in Canada for $19.95, and the three volume series for $49.95 (a savings of $10 over individual purchases).
For those who have already purchased one or other of the volumes (Reflections on the Sunday Readings for Years A, B, C), each volume is now available at a discount during the Spring Sale for $15.96 (or $47.88 for the series).
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