Prayer over the People
Monday, March 5
Confirm the hearts of your faithful, O Lord, we pray, and strengthen them by the power of your grace, that they may be constant in making supplication to you and sincere in love for one another. Through Christ our Lord.
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In recent weeks I have been visiting several parishes on Sundays or for the weekend, but have been slow at posting due to travel, other commitments. Today, I begin a few days this week of trying to get caught up on these quick stops on my "Journey of a Bishop". Thanks to the communities for their patience with my posts, some of which have been promised for some time.
On February 19, I visited with the Hungarian Catholics who gather for the Lord's Day Masses at St. Elizabeth of the Visitation Church, where Father Donald Tuori is pastor. Prior to the Eucharist with the Hungarian faithful, I presided at the 11:00 AM parish Mass with the English-speaking faithful (photo above).
The following photos are from the Hungarian liturgy and reception:
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