The 2010 CCO Rise Up! Conference was a most positive experience for all involved. The Closing Events included Mass at Mary Queen of the World & St. James Cathedral, a festive dinner for more that 620 delegates and family members, New Year's Eve dance, a Praise and Worship service to dedicate the first moments of the New Year to the Lord. Next year's Rise Up will be held in Vancouver. Here are some photos giving some of the flavour of the last days' sessions:
The Haligonian Connection guided the Praise and Worship sessions |
Father Peter Sabbath and some young people from the City of Laval |
"Purification of the Church": a Friday morning session |
Many chances for exchanges during the December 28-January 1 conference |
Ottawa seminarians with their bishop and vocation director |
Des jeunes francophones de la Ville de Quebec |
Reps from Montreal's Fraternite monastique de Jerusalem and Famille Marie-Jeunesse |
Father Raymond de Souza and companions |
Seminarians in attendance served the Closing Mass |
Alexandria-Cornwall Bishop Paul-Andre Durocher took part in the sessions |
The Christmas Crib in the Cathedral |
Praising the Lord |
CCO President Jeff Lockert addressing the closing banquet, announces Vancouver as site of Rise Up! 2011 |
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Lord Jesus, Who was born for us in a stable, lived for us a life of pain and sorrow, and died for us upon a cross; say for us in the hour of death, Father, forgive, and to Your Mother, Behold your child. Say to us, This day you shall be with Me in paradise. Dear Savior, leave us not, forsake us not. We thirst for You, Fountain of Living Water. Our days pass quickly along, soon all will be consummated for us. To Your hands we commend our spirits, now and forever. Amen. (a prayer by Saint Elizabeth Seton)
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton's Feast Day...
is celebrated today in the Archdiocese of Halifax and in the United States; it may be observed elsewhere as an optional memorial where the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul have been present.
Lord God, you blessed Elizabeth Seton with gifts of grace as wife and mother, educator and foundress, so that she might spend her life in service to your people; through her example and prayers may we learn to express our love for you in love for others. Through our Lord.
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Prayer for Tuesday after the Epiphany
O God, whose only Begotten Son has appeared in our very flesh, grant, we pray, that we may be inwardly transformed through him whom we recognize as outwardly like us. Who lives and reigns with you.
Archbishop, I like your pectoral crucifix. Is that from the grey nuns? Happy and holy new year!
ReplyDeleteYes it is; you have a very sharp eye--a gift from Bishop Berthelet (now emeritus of St. Jean-Longueuil) on the occasion of the transfer of the relics of Mere [St. Marguerite] d'Youville from Montreal to Varennes. The Grey Nuns have a long-standing bond with the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa.