Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why “for the Many”.... - Closing the Liturgical Year - Confirmations récentes

Why for “the Many” and Not “for All”?

Another change in the Eucharistic Prayers occur when during the consecration of the wine into the Blood of Christ, the priest prays: “…the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins”.

This is a change for an important theological reason from “for all” that we are accustomed to hearing.

Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross so that all humanity might be redeemed from the power of sin and death we brought on ourselves through Adam because of original sin.

We all are redeemed because of Christ’s suffering and death and not because of our personal worthiness but we do not get a ‘free pass’ into heaven.

The choices we make in this life have eternal consequences and when we reject God’s grace and refuse to repent of our sins, we separate ourselves from God. So, Jesus’ suffering and death is not a guarantee that all will automatically be saved regardless of our choices but rather it provides the freedom for us to choose for or against God.

This change in the Eucharistic Prayers makes it clear that our freedom to choose for or against God matters and that Christ’s death is not a guaranteed ‘free pass into heaven for all’ because God respects our free will and our choices. – Rev. Geoffrey Kerslake

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Stir up the will of your faithful, we pray, O Lord, that, striving more eagerly after your divine work's fruition they may receive in greater measure the healing remedies your kindness bestows. Through our Lord.

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Pope Benedict XVI on the New Roman Missal

In remarks today to the Bishops of New York, the Holy Father commented on the role of a renewal of liturgy in the renewal of society:

In these days, the Church in the United States is implementing the revised translation of the Roman Missal. I am grateful for your efforts to ensure that this new translation will inspire an ongoing catechesis which emphasizes the true nature of the liturgy and, above all, the unique value of Christ’s saving sacrifice for the redemption of the world.

A weakened sense of the meaning and importance of Christian worship can only lead to a weakened sense of the specific and essential vocation of the laity to imbue the temporal order with the spirit of the Gospel. America has a proud tradition of respect for the sabbath; this legacy needs to be consolidated as a summons to the service of God’s Kingdom and the renewal of the social fabric in accordance with its unchanging truth.

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Confirmations récentes...

à Saint Isidore de Prescott:

à la paroisse Saint Gabriel, Gloucester:

1 comment:

  1. Also interesting in the Holy Father's remarks to the bishops of New York was when he said that the Church needs to re-evangelize and renew itself in order to evangelize the secular world.
