The Synod opened in solemn manner on Sunday and deliberations began in the Synod Hall yesterday. Its importance is suggested by the Holy Father in his homily at the Opening Mass and his words at the Angelus:
The Eucharistic celebration, the rendering of thanks to God par excellence, is marked for us today, gathered around the Tomb of Saint Peter, by an extraordinary reason: the grace of seeing gathered together for the first time at a Synod, around the Bishop of Rome and the Universal Shepherd, the bishops of the Middle Eastern region. Such a singular event demonstrates the interest of the whole Church for that precious and beloved part of God's people who live in the Holy Land and the whole of the Middle East. --Pope Benedict XVI, Homily at Opening Liturgy for Synod on Christians in the Middle East
The Synod opened in solemn manner on Sunday and deliberations began in the Synod Hall yesterday. Its importance is suggested by the Holy Father in his homily at the Opening Mass and his words at the Angelus:
The Eucharistic celebration, the rendering of thanks to God par excellence, is marked for us today, gathered around the Tomb of Saint Peter, by an extraordinary reason: the grace of seeing gathered together for the first time at a Synod, around the Bishop of Rome and the Universal Shepherd, the bishops of the Middle Eastern region. Such a singular event demonstrates the interest of the whole Church for that precious and beloved part of God's people who live in the Holy Land and the whole of the Middle East. --Pope Benedict XVI, Homily at Opening Liturgy for Synod on Christians in the Middle East
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Oriental and Latin Rite Prelates Concelebrate Synod Opening Mass on Sunday, October 10, 2010 |
Je salue avec joie les pèlerins francophones présents pour la prière de l'Angelus. Aujourd'hui s'ouvre l'Assemblée Spéciale pour le Moyen-Orient du Synode des Évêques. Je recommande à votre prière les travaux des Pères synodaux. Je vous invite aussi à prier pour les Chrétiens du Moyen-Orient, afin que Dieu leur donne d'avoir toujours « un seul cœur et une seule âme » pour témoigner courageusement de la Bonne Nouvelle du Salut là où ils se trouvent. Puisse la Vierge Marie, Notre-Dame du Rosaire, les y accompagner ! Remarques du pape à l'Angelus, dimanche, 10 octobre 2010
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In late September, I was privileged to meet with the representatives of most of the parish representatives of the Catholic Women's League of the Archdiocese. I celebrated Mass at the Church of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Russell and, after hearing reports on the many activities that enliven the faith life in our parishes, spoke to the members about the coming introduction of the new translation into English of the Roman Missal (probably on the First Sunday of Advent next year [November 27, 2011]).
Some photos from that morning gathering:
Before celebrating the Opening Mass of the Chapter of the Sisters of Charity and departing for Rome, I was able to take part in this year's Life Chain at the corner of Montreal Road and the Vanier Parkway.
We were but a dozen carrying placards and praying silently, but it was good to stress the sacredness of life from the moment of conception until natural death. A few pix:
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