Wednesday, July 31, 2013

La fête de Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola - The Feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits

St. Ignace de Loyola (?1491-31 juillet 1556)
C’est aujourd’hui la fête de Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola, fondateur (avec ses premiers compagnons, St. François Xavier, le Bienheureux Pierre Favre et sept autres) de la Compagnie de Jésus (les jésuites).

Voici une priere tirée de ses Exercices spirituels :

Prends, Seigneur et reçois,
toute ma liberté,
ma mémoire,
mon intelligence
et toute ma volonté;
Tout ce que j'ai et possède,
c'est Toi qui me l'as donné:
A Toi, Seigneur, je le rends
Tout est à Toi,
selon Ton entière volonté.
ton amour et ta grâce :
c'est assez pour moi.

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O God, who raised up Saint Ignatius of Loyola in your Church to further the greater glory of your name, grant that by his help we may imitate him in fighting the good fight on earth and merit to receive with him a crown in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Monday, July 29, 2013

RIO à RIgO (Rigaud, QC) —une expérience de la JMJ au Canada - Another Local WYD 2013 Event

Our neighbouring diocese of Valleyfield held a weekend youthfest paralleling the gathering in Rio de Janiero.  I attended the closing festivities on Sunday with bishop Noel Simard and Gatineau’s Archbishop Paul-André Durocher. Mohawk Natives from the diocese conducted a smudging ceremony at the start of Mass. Photos: kindess of Karen A Snair.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

WYD @ Home in Kingston

Here are some images of yesterday's World Youth Day @ Home at St. Mary's Cathedral in Kingston. Archbishop O'Brien and I gave catecheses.  There was a cultural festival, displays of Catholic life, Mass with the Cathedral Parish and Taize Prayer.

Congratulations to all who organized and led this happy event.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

News from Rio - Nouvelles de la JMJ - Summer Visitors - Roofing!

07/25/13 La pluie et le froid nous font un peu de misère... À part ça c'est bien! Nous sommes présentement à la plage pour accueillir le pape François. On compte sur vos prières!
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During the summer months, bishops drop in to visit. 

Most Reverend Peter Paul Angykier of Damongo, Ghana (above) came for the Missionary Coop Appeal for the needs of the Church of which he has been Ordinary for two years. 

Most Reverend Vianney Fernando (below) has been bishop of Kandy, Sri Lanka for thirty years; he studied Canon Law at St. Paul's, obtaining his licence in 1977. 

Welcome to one and all! 

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We're all aware of construction cones all over Canadian cities. But other projects are done in the summer months, including this roofing project now moving from the St. Patrick St. side of my residence to the entry side.  There were also excavations to unearth a leak in the cooling system, so the entrance is quite a mess.  Can't wait for it all to be over so we can regain access to the patio.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Journey to the Father (St. Raphael’s) - Mise à jour sur la JMJ de Brésil/Update on Brazilian WYD Saint Patrick's Basilica Farewell

Mr. Michael DOPP (above), Director of Mission of the Redeemer Ministries (MRM: ) was one of the main speakers at this year's edition of Journey to the Father, a weekend of joy for young Catholics from Ontario and Quebec held at the Ruins of St. Raphael in the Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese.  Bishop Marcel Damphousse attended the first JTTF since he became bishop and animated the session of Eucharistic Adoration on Saturday evening and presided at yesterday's closing Mass.  I presided on Saturday morning and joined him and priests from the surrounding area in hearing participants' confessions.  Close to 300 youth took part and almost as many adults from the surrounding parishes contributed as volunteers to the weekend's success.

Here are some other photos from this youthfest:


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"Samedi soir à 18h, nous avons célébré la messe à la basilique à Aparecida. Ensuite, nous avons soupé ensemble à l'hôtel et nous sommes allés au centre d'événements pour voir un film sur la vie de Saint Eugène de Mazenod. Avant le film, Zacharie Thompson a cherché des copies du DVD pour le Canada.

"La messe de ce dimanche matin a duré trois heures et Mgr Daniel Berniquez a concélébré. La messe a eu lieu au centre d'événements car la basilique était beaucoup trop pleine pour accueillir les pèlerins. Le stationnement était plein avec des autobus et des voitures. Le supérieur des Oblats a donné son homélie en portugais, français, espagnol et en anglais.

"Dans son homélie, il nous a parlé de la croix dans le sanctuaire de la basilique. De la croix nait les vocations par l'eau vivante du Saint-Esprit. On voit la silhouette du cœur du Christ dans la croix. Pendant nos journées en mission avec la communauté Oblate, nous célébrons les jeunes qui sont des missionnaires et nous célébrons aujourd'hui la famille Oblate et sa mission envers les jeunes. Le cœur qui embrase le monde et le cœur qui embrase les pauvres est le cœur que nous devons avoir pour continuer dans cet amour missionnaire pour annoncer la Bonne Nouvelle. Nous célébrons la jeunesse et le charisme missionnaire. Saint Eugène a eu un cœur à cœur avec Jésus. Son cœur avait soif de Jésus et était rempli d'amour pour le monde pour sa famille missionnaire."

Sunday, WYD pilgrims from Brazil and different Brazilian states, from Australia, Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay, Mexico, Paraguay, South Africa, Swaziland, Poland, Italy, U.S.A., and Canada, among others, participated in the international festival that was held at the Events Centre in Aparecida. The dances and songs were very well done! Here are some of the photos taken at the concert.

"This Monday evening, we are leaving Aparecida for Rio de Janeiro in the middle of the night and should arrive in Rio at 4 am Tuesday, but it might be an hour or more later as things only actually start at least an hour later than scheduled here."

To follow Ottawa's WYD delegation go to/pour suivre nos jeunes de la JMJ:
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In a number of parishes in the Archdiocese, priests are leaving for a change of assignment for one reason or another (usually effective on August 1).  At St. Patrick's Basilica, three priests are experiencing a change at this time: Rector Father Richard Siok is completing his assignment; Father Darryl Kennedy is moving to Hawkesbury and Pendleton; and Father Larry McCormick is retiring from his appointment but staying on in residence during retirement. 

All three were feted yesterday following the 12:15 Sunday Eucharist at which all three concelebrated the Mass. I was able to drop in on the celebration in the Scavi following Mass. 

The photos are courtesy of Paul Lauzon.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ottawa Delegation Leaves for World Youth Day in Rio di Janeiro - Le départ de notre délégation à la JMJ

Yesterday afternoon, Manon Chevalier (head of the francophone youth office) and I, along with several parents, siblings and friends of the WYD pilgrims, saw them off at Ottawa International Airport.

Several others will join them in Sao Paolo for the onward journey to the WYD activities.  Some of the material on posters was printed when it was thought Pope Benedict would be attending, and the excitement is growing now that Francis, a pope from Latin America, will be with them. They should be arriving in Brazil as this entry is posted.

Follow the pilgrims on their blog

Hier le groupe en route vers Rio est arrivé à l'aéroport international d'Ottawa à 17 h pour décoller d'Ottawa pour Toronto à 20 h, et ensuite de Toronto pour São Paulo à 23 h 40, et pour atterrir vers 10 h 55 jeudi matin, heure locale à São Paulo. De là, ils vont prendre un bus pour se rendre à Aparecida, qui devrait prendre environ deux heures.

"Deux de nos pèlerins, Alice DeRoth et Jonathan Roy, sont partis pour l'Amérique du Sud mercredi dernier et ils vont nous rencontrer à l'aéroport de São Paulo jeudi matin.

"Veuillez prier pour un voyage sécuritaire pour notre groupe, ainsi que pour tous les pèlerins qui vont se rendre aux Brésil pour les JMJ. Nous allons également vous garder dans nos prières!"

Que Dieu vous bénisse!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Patronal Feast of Senhor Santo Cristo, Ottawa's Portuguese Parish


Bom Dia. Meus Caros irmaos e irmas, Sou feliz de estar com vosco para celebrar o aniversario do jubileo de prata da bencao da igreja do Senhor Santo Cristo, na Arcidiocese de Ottawa.

E' neste ano dedicado ao "Ano da Fe'" que a comunidade deve olhar para o futuro com renovado vigor para melhor testemunhar Cristo Jesus. A imagem do Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres deve nos levar a meditar no perdao, na misericordia, na reconciliacao, e na salvacao de Jesus Cristo.

Portuguese Parish, Senhor Santo Cristo—Ottawa, ON
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year "C") - July 14, 2013

[Texts: Deuteronomy 30.10-14; [Psalm 69 or 19]; Colossians 1.15-20; Luke 10.25-37]

Today, I am pleased to be with you for your annual festival, devoted to your parish’s patron the Lord Holy Christ, SENHOR SANTO CRISTO, whose image is venerated in the Azores, the land of origin of many of you who came here from Portugal. We also give thanks for the 25th anniversary of the construction of your church and its blessing in 1988. May you have many more happy years in your faith!

Your procession is in thanksgiving for the many graces, blessings and even miracles received by those who venerate the image of the bruised figure of Christ as preserved in the convent of Our Lady of Hope (Nossa Senhora da Esperança).

The procession in Ponta Delgada, which dates from several centuries ago, even nowadays follows the same itinerary. As the procession there counts some tens of thousands of the faithful who come from every island in the Azores, your community with its roots in the Azores and from elsewhere—like others spread around the globe—celebrates when good weather may be anticipated. And God has blessed us with wonderful sunny weather today.

I am pleased to be accompanied by Msgr. Jose Bettencourt, a son of this parish ordained for the Archdiocese of Ottawa in 1993 and who, having been released by my predecessor to serve the Vatican, has been in the Holy See’s diplomatic service in recent years. Currently he is Head of Protocol, a nomination he received from Pope Benedict XVI just before Christmas.

The question put to Jesus today by the lawyer—“Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”—prepares us for the wisdom that Jesus reveals when He speaks of the two commandments to love God totally and the neighbour as oneself.

The “lawyer” who spoke with Jesus was an expert in the Law of Moses and a wise one. He was able to synthesize God's revelation as the love of God with all one's capacities (“with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind”) and love of neighbour 'as yourself'.

Like Moses, who told God's chosen people that putting the commandment into practice “is not too hard for you”, Jesus challenged the lawyer, “do this, and you will live”. The lawyer pressed the issue by asking “and who is my neighbour?”

Jesus asked His listeners to identify with a wounded traveller who, half-dead, watched people pass him by. The priest and Levite shocked the hearers (and those who read the gospel today) when they passed by on the other side of the road. Perhaps they were expecting the anticlerical rhetoric to culminate in a layperson ministering to the victim. But Jesus went further--outside Orthodox Judaism--to the vilified Samaritan who, unexpectedly, showed compassion.

At the end of the story Jesus reversed the issue from “who is my neighbour?” to “which of these three, do you think, was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” The issue was not who deserves my attention and care? But how do I become the kind of person who can “be a neighbour”?

Being a neighbour means showing compassion to everyone encountered—even if that person frightens me or appears to be too strange for me. Jesus invited His hearers to risk life and possessions, as the Good Samaritan did.

The wisdom of Jesus' teaching opened Christians of the early Church to reflections on His identity. Among the many titles attributed to Jesus was that He is, in St. Paul’s words, “the wisdom of God” (cf. 1 Corinthians 1.24, 30). This vision of Christ Jesus as the fullness of God's wisdom was particularly attractive to the recipients of Paul's letter to the Colossians.

Colossae was a small city in the southwestern section of modern Turkey. It seems that this small church seemingly struggled with false philosophies, showed too much interest in ascetical practices and was preoccupied with angelology.

Paul urged them to look to the Lord as the source of all their wisdom, since all else exists “through Him and for Him”. Indeed, he declared, “in Christ all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell”.

So the one you are celebrating today—Senhor Santo Cristo—is the one who was scourged and crucified for our sakes. But he is also the Risen Christ who is hidden in the poor and needy, the stranger and the person in any need. His teaching is the wisdom of God which we need to ask God to help us understand.

What the Good Samaritan did for the man left half-dead by the side of the road, Jesus has done for all humanity by rescuing the world from sin and death. And he asks us to go to those in need “and do likewise”.

Happy Feast Day!