As we did last week with the Solemnity of St. Joseph, the austerity of Lent is interrupted with the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, an important day in the cause of life as we see the joy brought with the announcement of a special Child, God's only-begotten Son, through the obedience of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
O God, who willed that your Word should take on the reality of human flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, grant, we pray, that we who confess our Redeemer to be God and man may merit to become partakers even in his divine nature, Who lives and reigns with you.
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A tradition, which has come down from the apostolic ages, tells us that the great mystery of the Incarnation was achieved on the twenty-fifth day of March. It was at the hour of midnight, when the most holy Virgin was alone and absorbed in prayer, that the Archangel Gabriel appeared before her, and asked her, in the name of the blessed Trinity, to consent to become the Mother of God. Let us assist, in spirit, at this wonderful interview between the angel and the Virgin: and, at the same time, let us think of that other interview which took place between Eve and the serpent. A holy bishop and martyr of the second century, Saint Irenaeus, who had received the tradition from the very disciples of the apostles, shows us that Nazareth is the counterpart of Eden.
In the garden of delights there is a virgin and an angel; and a conversation takes place-between them. At Nazareth a virgin is also addressed by an angel, and she answers him; but the angel of the earthly paradise is a spirit of darkness, and he of Nazareth is a spirit of light. In both instances it is the angel that has the first word. 'Why,' said the serpent to Eve, 'hath God commanded you, that you should not eat of every tree of paradise?' His question implies impatience and a solicitation to evil; he has contempt for the frail creature to whom he addresses it, but he hates the image of God which is upon her.
See, on the other hand, the angel of light; see with what composure and peacefulness he approaches the Virgin of Nazareth, the new Eve; and how respectfully he bows himself down before her: 'Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou among women!' Such language is evidently of heaven: none but an angel could speak thus to Mary.
Scarcely has the wicked spirit finished speaking than Eve casts a longing look at the forbidden fruit: she is impatient to enjoy the independence it is to bring her. She rashly stretches forth her hand; she plucks the fruit; she eats it, and death takes possession of her: death of the soul, for sin extinguishes the light of life; and death of the body, which being separated from the source of immortality, becomes an object of shame and horror, and finally crumbles into dust.
But let us turn away our eyes from this sad spectacle, and fix them on Nazareth. Mary has heard the angel's explanation of the mystery; the will of heaven is made known to her, and how grand an honor it is to bring upon her! She, the humble maid of Nazareth, is to have the ineffable happiness of becoming the Mother of God, and yet the treasure of her virginity is to be left to her! Mary bows down before this sovereign will, and says to the heavenly messenger: 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it done to me according to thy word.'
Thus, as the great St. Irenaeus and so many of the holy fathers remark, the obedience of the second Eve repaired the disobedience of the first: for no sooner does the Virgin of Nazareth speak her fiat, 'be it done,' than the eternal Son of God (who, according to the divine decree, awaited this word) is present, by the operation of the Holy Ghost, in the chaste womb of Mary, and there He begins His human life. A Virgin is a Mother, and Mother of God; and it is this Virgin's consenting to the divine will that has made her conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost.
This sublime mystery puts between the eternal Word and a mere woman the relations of Son and Mother; it gives to the almighty God a means whereby He may, in a manner worthy of His majesty, triumph over satan, who hitherto seemed to have prevailed against the divine plan.
Never was there a more entire or humiliating defeat than that which this day befell satan. The frail creature, over whom he had so easily triumphed at the beginning of the world, now rises and crushes his proud head. Eve conquers in Mary. God would not choose man for the instrument of His vengeance; the humiliation of satan would not have been great enough; and therefore she who was the first prey of hell, the first victim of the tempter, is selected to give battle to the enemy.
The result of so glorious a triumph is that Mary is to be superior not only to the rebel angels, but to the whole human race, yea, to all the angels of heaven. Seated on her exalted throne, she, the Mother of God, is to be the Queen of all creation. Satan, in the depths of the abyss, will eternally bewail his having dared to direct his first attack against the woman, for God has now so gloriously avenged her; and in heaven, the very Cherubim and Seraphim reverently look up to Mary, and deem themselves honored when she smiles upon them, or employs them in the execution of any of her wishes, for she is the Mother of their God.

Therefore is it that we, the children of Adam, who have been snatched by Mary's obedience from the power of hell, solemnize this day of the Annunciation. Well may we say of Mary those words of Deborah, when she sang her song of victory over the enemies of God's people: 'The valiant men ceased, and rested in Israel, until Deborah arose, a mother arose in Israel. The Lord chose new wars, and He Himself overthrew the gates of the enemies."
Let us also refer to the holy Mother of Jesus these words of Judith, who by her victory over the enemy was another type of Mary: 'Praise ye the Lord our God, who hath not forsaken them that hope in Him. And by me, His handmaid, He hath fulfilled His mercy, which He promised to the house of Israel; and He hath killed the enemy of His people by my hand this night. . . . The almighty Lord hath struck him, and hath delivered him into the hands of a woman, and hath slain him.' (excerpted from Abbot Prosper Gueranger O.S.B, The Liturgical Year).
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Ce soir j’assisterai a l’inauguration du ministère de Mgr Gérald Cyprien Lacroix comme nouvel Archevêque de Québec [le quinzième] et Primat de l’Église du Canada.
Ses armoiries (écu et devise) nous donnent un aperçu sur sa manière de voir les enjeux; le voici avec explication (
•Les cinq pierreries rouges sur la croix processionnelle représentent les cinq plaies du Christ, par lesquelles nous sommes guéris et sauvés. « C’est grâce à ses plaies que nous sommes guéris » (Is 53, 5).
•La croix dans le bouclier veut rappeler le nom de la famille de Monseigneur Lacroix; elle est en or, métal le plus noble, symbole donc de la première vertu théologale, la foi. Cette croix sans corpus représente le cœur de l’Évangile : le Christ est mort pour nous, mais Dieu l’a ressuscité.
•La couleur bleue (azur) est le symbole du ciel, là où nous attend la « Ville habitable », la vie éternelle.
•Le livre ouvert représente la Parole de Dieu, Bonne Nouvelle de Dieu pour toute l’humanité, alors que la flamme représente l’Esprit Saint, agent principal de l’évangélisation. Cette flamme nous rappelle aussi les paroles des pèlerins d’Emmaüs : « Notre cœur ne brûlait-il pas en nous tandis qu’il nous parlait en chemin et nous ouvrait les Écritures? » (Lc 24, 32).
•Le monogramme XP (chrismon) apparaît sur le logo de l’Institut Séculier Pie X, institut de vie consacrée auquel Monseigneur Lacroix appartient. Ce monogramme du Christ nous rappelle aussi le premier point de l’identité spirituelle de cet Institut : une rencontre personnelle avec Jésus Christ, Sauveur et Apôtre.
•La sandale rappelle la mission du pèlerin qui parcourt le monde avec joie pour annoncer la Bonne Nouvelle de l’Évangile; et elle veut rappeler ici les neuf ans passés par Monseigneur Lacroix en Colombie, Amérique du Sud. Cette sandale rappelle aussi la tâche que partage l’évêque avec le peuple de Dieu, car nous sommes tous envoyés à la mission.
•L’hameçon sur l’eau est un symbole évident de la fonction du « pêcheur d’hommes » qui caractérise la vie de tout disciple du Christ. L’eau rappelle la rivière Chaudière qui traverse la Beauce, la région natale de Monseigneur Lacroix. L’hameçon, et non le filet, représente la dimension personnelle de l’évangélisation, le contact personnel et l’attention à chaque personne rencontrée.
Description héraldique de l’écu
« D’azur, à la croix pattée d’or, cantonné au premier canton d’un livre d’argent, chargé d’une flamme de gueules; au second canton, d’un monogramme XP d’argent; au troisième canton, d’une sandale d’argent en bande; au quatrième canton, de deux burelles ondées d’argent surmontées d’un hameçon d’or. »
Mane Nobiscum Domine (
Reste avec nous, Seigneur)
Cette devise est tirée du récit des pèlerins d’Emmaüs dans l’évangile de Luc (cf. Lc 24, 13-35). C’est le passage biblique préféré de Monseigneur Lacroix. Il offre un plan pastoral merveilleux en forme de tryptique.
1.De Jérusalem à Emmaüs : Alors que souvent nous nous trouvons déçus, abattus par les circonstances de la vie, n’ayant plus d’espérance pour soutenir notre marche, Jésus lui-même vient à notre rencontre. Le Ressuscité prend le temps d’écouter et de partager nos doléances. Mais plus important encore, il nous brûle le cœur par sa Parole, en nous révélant le mystère de sa mort et de sa résurrection.
2.À Emmaüs : Au cœur du récit évangélique, nous retrouvons la supplique insistante des deux disciples : « Reste avec nous, Seigneur! » (Lc 24, 29). L’étranger devenu compagnon de route fait semblant d’aller plus loin car il ne veut pas s’imposer aux disciples; il les laisse libres de le choisir. C’est alors que les deux disciples proclament que Jésus est Seigneur et ils insistent pour qu’il devienne partie prenante de leur communauté. Jésus célèbre la fraction du pain et même s’il leur devient invisible, il demeure dans l’Eucharistie et dans la communauté qu’est l’Église.
3.D’Emmaüs à Jérusalem : Les deux disciples, comme communauté évangélisée, s’empressent de reprendre la route vers Jérusalem. C’est la même route qu’ils avaient parcourue tristes et découragés peu d’heures auparavant; maintenant, elle est illuminée par une joie et une espérance renouvelée. À Jérusalem, en communion avec les Apôtres, ils rendront témoignage de leur expérience avec Jésus ressuscité.
Nobiscum : Avec nous et en nous. C’est la dimension communautaire de la vie chrétienne. C’est aussi dans ce mot que nous retrouvons l’expression Biscum, utilisée depuis la fondation de l’Institut Séculier Pie X. Cela exprime le désir apostolique profond qui doit habité tout apôtre : que toute personne fasse la rencontre de Jésus Sauveur et vive avec Lui à jamais!