Mr. Michael DOPP (above), Director of Mission of the Redeemer Ministries (MRM: ) was one of the main speakers at this year's edition of Journey to the Father, a weekend of joy for young Catholics from Ontario and Quebec held at the Ruins of St. Raphael in the Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese. Bishop Marcel Damphousse attended the first JTTF since he became bishop and animated the session of Eucharistic Adoration on Saturday evening and presided at yesterday's closing Mass. I presided on Saturday morning and joined him and priests from the surrounding area in hearing participants' confessions. Close to 300 youth took part and almost as many adults from the surrounding parishes contributed as volunteers to the weekend's success.
Here are some other photos from this youthfest:
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"Samedi soir à 18h, nous avons célébré la messe à la basilique à Aparecida. Ensuite, nous avons soupé ensemble à l'hôtel et nous sommes allés au centre d'événements pour voir un film sur la vie de Saint Eugène de Mazenod. Avant le film, Zacharie Thompson a cherché des copies du DVD pour le Canada.
"La messe de ce dimanche matin a duré trois heures et Mgr Daniel Berniquez a concélébré. La messe a eu lieu au centre d'événements car la basilique était beaucoup trop pleine pour accueillir les pèlerins. Le stationnement était plein avec des autobus et des voitures. Le supérieur des Oblats a donné son homélie en portugais, français, espagnol et en anglais.
"Dans son homélie, il nous a parlé de la croix dans le sanctuaire de la basilique. De la croix nait les vocations par l'eau vivante du Saint-Esprit. On voit la silhouette du cœur du Christ dans la croix. Pendant nos journées en mission avec la communauté Oblate, nous célébrons les jeunes qui sont des missionnaires et nous célébrons aujourd'hui la famille Oblate et sa mission envers les jeunes. Le cœur qui embrase le monde et le cœur qui embrase les pauvres est le cœur que nous devons avoir pour continuer dans cet amour missionnaire pour annoncer la Bonne Nouvelle. Nous célébrons la jeunesse et le charisme missionnaire. Saint Eugène a eu un cœur à cœur avec Jésus. Son cœur avait soif de Jésus et était rempli d'amour pour le monde pour sa famille missionnaire."
Sunday, WYD pilgrims from Brazil and different Brazilian states, from Australia, Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay, Mexico, Paraguay, South Africa, Swaziland, Poland, Italy, U.S.A., and Canada, among others, participated in the international festival that was held at the Events Centre in Aparecida. The dances and songs were very well done! Here are some of the photos taken at the concert.
"This Monday evening, we are leaving Aparecida for Rio de Janeiro in the middle of the night and should arrive in Rio at 4 am Tuesday, but it might be an hour or more later as things only actually start at least an hour later than scheduled here."
To follow Ottawa's WYD delegation go to/pour suivre nos jeunes de la JMJ:
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In a number of parishes in the Archdiocese, priests are leaving for a change of assignment for one reason or another (usually effective on August 1). At St. Patrick's Basilica, three priests are experiencing a change at this time: Rector Father Richard Siok is completing his assignment; Father Darryl Kennedy is moving to Hawkesbury and Pendleton; and Father Larry McCormick is retiring from his appointment but staying on in residence during retirement.
All three were feted yesterday following the 12:15 Sunday Eucharist at which all three concelebrated the Mass. I was able to drop in on the celebration in the Scavi following Mass.
The photos are courtesy of Paul Lauzon.
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