Look upon your family, Lord, that, through the chastening effects of bodily discipline, our minds may be radiant in your presence with the strength of our yearning for you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
* * * * * *
Commended to our prayers is the soul of Father Charles Peter Holland, a native of Prince Edward Island, who adopted Newfoundland as his home (or was adopted by the people of Newfoundland), who passed away on Sunday.
Father Charlie was among the first Jesuits to go "the Rock" when the Society of Jesus took on responsibility for Gonzaga High School and St. Pius X parish in St. John's fifty years ago. He taught at Gonzaga, served in the parishes of the Archdiocese (particularly at Topsail, where a wake was held last night). Later, when a private school "in the Jesuit tradition" was established in response to the deconfessionalization of the schools in Newfoundland and Labrador, he directed St. Bonaventure's School.
The wake will continue today at St. Pius X church where his funeral will be held tomorrow.
Sincere sympathy on the passing of Fr Charles Holland SJ
ReplyDeleteI attended one Mass he said at Topsail two years ago this March month. I admitted to knowing Fr Boyd SJ in Ottawa. And Fr Holland admitted to be able to see the lights of some point in Nova Scotia from his Island province of PEIsland And then he was gone God rest his soul.
Surprisingly enough, I knew Father Holland when I was in high school, when he participated in an interdenominational group of students and teachers debating youth issues of the day. Of course there were only two denominations known in those days, Catholic (Fr. Holland) and black Protestant (various flavours, including United Church, me). "Youth issues" included such heady topics as long hair, short skirts and school uniforms. Fr. Charlie was gracious, kind, funny and (in our limited experience) incredibly outspoken for a man of the (other) cloth.
ReplyDeleteI met him on several other occasions as an adult, and he was still a delight.
My condolences to his family and community.
Scott Strong,
St. John's
So long Charlie, you made a difference. And you'll never put the leather to me again. May ye be half an hour in heaven (which doesn't exist) before the devil knows yer dead.