Last Thursday evening, I joined some seventy interested observers at St. Paul University as Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Bishop-elect Donald Bolen (his ordination is slated for the Solemnity of the Annunciation on March 25) speak of The Contribution of the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission.
This took place during the semi-annual meeting of the Canadian Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue and celebrated the contribution by Bishop Bolen of a set of the papers of the first ten years of ground-breaking deliberations the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) to his alma mater. Ottawa Anglican Bishop Emeritus John Baycroft, who served on a later stage of ARCIC, gave a thoughtful response.
The St. Paul University Rector and Librarian were on hand for this historic research development. Here are some photos from the occasion:
Professor Catherine Clifford, an RC member of the ARC Canada Dialogue (left) and St. Paul Rector Chantal Beauvais
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A Lenten Prayer over the People
Grant to your people, our God, a will that is pleasing to you, for you will bestow upon them every favour by conforming them to your teachings. Through Christ our Lord.
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This year's special guest was Cardinal William Joseph Levada, Prefect of the Congrega-tion for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), who presided and preached at a concelebrated Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral, then spoke at the festive dinner held at the Westin Hotel.
Some pictures from the festive gathering:
i must say those are some good pictures, indeed!