Please see below the English translation of a Latin Decree from Cardinal Piacenza granting the possibility of obtaining a Plenary Indulgence to those participating in the Veneration of the Relic of St. Francis Xavier, including the elderly, the sick and those otherwise impeded from attending but who join themselves to the devotional exercises associated with the Pilgrimage in Canada.

order to foster the devotion of the faithful and the salvation of their souls,
the Apostolic Penitentiary, by virtue of the faculties granted to it by
Francis, by Divine Providence the Supreme Pontiff, having considered the recent
request of the Most Reverend Terrence Thomas Prendergast, S.J., Metropolitan
Archbishop of Ottawa, graciously grants from the Church’s treasure in heaven a Plenary Indulgence, to be gained by the
faithful motivated by true repentance and charity, under the usual conditions
(Sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion, and Prayer for the intentions
of the Pope), which they may also by way of intercession apply to souls in
purgatory, on condition that they have taken part in the religious exercises
surrounding the Pilgrimage of the Relic of St Francis Xavier, which is to take
place in Canada from 26 December 2017 to 4 February 2018 in large gatherings of
the people, or if they have spent at least a reasonable time in prayerful
contemplation before the relic of the Saint, ending with the Lord’s Prayer, the
Creed and prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Francis Xavier.
The elderly, the sick, and any others who for a serious reason cannot leave their home, can likewise gain a Plenary Indulgence upon their detestation of their sins and with the intention of fulfilling, as soon as possible, the three usual conditions, provided they have taken part spiritually in these religious exercises, bringing their prayers and suffering or the difficulties of their life to God’s mercy.
Accordingly, in order that this access to
God’s pardon granted through the keys of the Church may out of pastoral concern
be made easier, this Penitentiary earnestly asks that priests having faculties
to hear confession should generously offer themselves to celebrate the
Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Valid for this occasion only. Anything whatsoever to the contrary
Rome, at the Apostolic Penitentiary, 28
November 2017.