Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mgr Joseph Atanga, Archbishop of Bertoua, Cameroon - Tuesday of Lent Week III

During my visit to Quebec City last week, I had the pleasure of meeting in person someone I had know by correspondence and through Jesuit confreres, Joseph Atanga, S.J., Archbishop of Bertoua in Cameroon and the recently-elected President of the Conference of Bishops of that country.

In an afternoon stroll in the area around Notre Dame Cathedral, we visited the treasures of the basilica, noting particularly, in what had been the sacristy, the three beautiful stained glass windows of the Jesuit Martyrs. 

Here is the threesome of Saints Noel ChabanelCharles Garnier and Antoine Daniel:

Though it was a crisp, cold day reminding Bishop Joseph of the winters he spent in New York City as a doctoral student in economics at Fordham University, the sun shone brightly and it seemed milder than it was.

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Prayer for Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent
May your grace not forsake us, O Lord, we pray, but make us dedicated to your holy service and obtain us your help at all times. Through our Lord.