Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Marriage in Mind - Masses for Wedding Anniversaries

Today and tomorrow the Archdiocese is hosting Mr. Christian Meert of the Diocese of Colorado Springs who will present at the Pastoral Days (for the anglophone sector today and the francophone sector tomorrow).

Christian and his wife Christine have developed a Catholic Marriage Preparation Program that is offered to couples in person or on-line in Spanish, French and English (

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The past two Sunday afternoons (April 25 and May 2), I was pleased to preside at the annual Mass of Thanksgiving to God for the many blessings that have come to married couples who are marking a significant wedding anniversary (5, 10, 15, 25, 40, 50, 60, 65 years).

More than a hundred couples assisted at each ceremony: for the French-speaking couples on April 25 and May 2 for the English-speaking couples. Here are some photos from the closing moments when I presented a certificate to the celebrating couples:

Photo credit:
Thanks to Heri Riesbeck, Gary Bourgeois

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